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8 Holiday Mocktails for Kids to Enjoy

8 Holiday Mocktails for Kids to Enjoy
Parents shouldn't be the only ones allowed to have fun-looking drinks this holiday, so we found plenty of easy and tasty mocktails to prepare for your children, for the kids of your friends, and even for the drivers who will accompany your friends. Continue reading

Build the Bookshelf!

Build the Bookshelf!

We created Baby Shower and sticker invitations for a recent mama-to-be and just had to share this fabulous creative idea!



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Holidays in NYC

Holidays in NYC
December in New York is my favorite month. So many recurring family events occur during this time, and as my children get older they remember and look forward to them as much as I do! Continue reading

You need these!

You need these!

Pickett's Press holiday stickers go on everything - hostess gifts at parties, teachers for the end of the term, to my family and friends, and even on the small bags of cookies we often bake at Christmas to give to doormen, garage attendants, and all the people who help us during the year. 

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Is this the end of the Thank You Note?

Is this the end of the Thank You Note?
These days, with instant communication, a good old-fashioned pen and paper thank you note is a thing of the past. A thank you note is a safe way to show that you care, that you took the time, that you are brought up to know the right thing to do. And I hope these small signs of good manners, taking one’s own time and a postage stamp to express thanks, never dies.  Continue reading

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